My Travel Game:
Cincinnati Connections

Since 1993, Simmos Ice Creamery has been dishing out delicious desserts south of Perth in Dunsborough, Australia

One of my favorite, made-up travel games (patent not pending) that I play on the road is “Find the Cincinnati Connection.” It’s a fun way to show how different places in the world inter-connect, using my hometown.

For Australia, the result of this exercise is incredibly fun. For the trip leg south of Perthmy friend Mercedes (We met at the World Cup final watch at Varsity Bar in Perth) said that I “must, must, must!” go to Simmos Ice Creamery in Dunsborough (There’s a branch on Rottnest Island, too, FYI).

I’m staying in Eagle Bay, so it’s only 15 minutes away. Perfect for an after snorkel snack. While I’m perusing flavors, I’m chatting with the young man behind the counter. And I tell him I am from sort of a famous ice cream town (Graeter’s Ice Cream, Aglamesis Brothers).

“I grew up with the Graeter’s and, amazingly, BOTH families went to our church (St. Thomas Episcopal in Terrace Park),” I said.

When I mention Graeter’s the boy’s eyes light up. “We know Graeter’s!” he says. In Dunsborough? This is really far away from Cincinnati, so I’m a bit shocked.

Apparently, the owner, Garth Simpson (who is toiling away out back), had watched YouTube videos about the Graeter’s famous French pot, hand-stirred ice cream making process. There’s my Cincy connection! I know, kinda weak, but what are the odds of walking in an ice cream parlor half way across the globe and meeting the business owner and founder – and he knows your childhood favorite? Crazy, right? I say, “Pass!”

Garth is so excited to hear about Graeter’s that he stops what he’s doing in back and comes out to chat. His is an immigrant story from Belfast, Northern Ireland, and we are only a few months apart in age, too. 

He started his family business here at the Dunsborough property in 1993. At that time the surrounding area was mostly farmland. Now there are housing developments all around, so his large plot of land, which is basically a family picnic area and playground, has dramatically increased in value.

I walk away with a Simmos cap AND a free pint of Burnt Caramel Swirl, his top seller. I’d call this random visit a total success.

Other Cincinnati connections
Elsewhere on this massive trip, which started back in November, here’s what I’ve found:

Amman, Jordan: I thought Cincinnati was the only city other than Rome to claim to have been built on seven hills, but according to Wikipedia (sigh) there are dozens, including Amman. What I did not know and learned later is that since 2018, Amman also is a Sister City! So that’s a great connection.


A little humor goes a long way at Simmos

Doha, Qatar: I kind of cheated on this one – really an act of desperation (or laziness) – but I picked Pringles brand potato chips as my connection. I popped way more than one top while here for the World Cup – you can’t stop! Even though Cincinnati’s Proctor & Gamble Co. (P&G) sold the brand in 2012, they invented the perfectly molded chips in 1956 and then began selling them to consumers in 1968, so to me the link is solid.

Mumbai, India: My Air India flight to Singapore stopped in Mumbai, so technically I set foot in this country although to be honest I should not count it as an official visit. But on the plane I sat next to PK Singh, president of JB Pharma, which manufactures and licenses cough lozenges to P&G – BINGO! – another Cincy connection. Maybe I need to limit how often I use P&G? They are so big, so global and maybe too easy. I will present my findings to the game’s Board of Directors for consideration as a possible rule change.

Singapore: For some reason, I always thought the Otis Elevator Co. was based in Cincinnati. Any time I step into an elevator, like here in Singapore, I breathe easier when I see the Otis name. Alas, this is not the case – the inventor was from New York City and the company is now based in Connecticut – so I am still searching for a connection here. I also thought maybe famed architect Zaha Hadid, who built the Contemporary Arts Center in Cincinnati, may have designed one of those fabulous new Singapore structures, but to no avail. Fail!

In my new cap holding a pint of Burnt Caramel Swirl, Simmos top seller