Western Australia:
Oh, the Animals!

For all you animal lovers out there, here are more than 40 images of (some of) what you might be lucky enough to see during six weeks in Western Australia. On land, in the sky or near the sea, it’s a beautiful bounty of God’s creatures – and not all of them want to kill you. They may just want to simply annoy the hell out of you, like the loud-talking laughing kookaburra.

I’ve tried to identify the animals to the best of my ability, based on where I was at the time. I think I got most of them, but please feel free to chime in if something is amiss. My only regret? I did not invest in an underwater camera – even the disposable type – to capture the coral and abundant underwater sea life (eg green turtles, manta rays etc) seen while snorkeling in Exmouth and Coral Bay. Oh well, next time. Enjoy! To see a larger image, click on the pic in the carousel.

Black-footed or black-flanked rock wallaby at Yardie Creek in Cape Range National Park, near Exmouth in Western Australia